Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fat Ronaldo sneaks up on his teammate

So this popped up on Fat Ronaldo's twitter page on Tuesday. The helpless sap bending over to receive Ronaldo's man juice is Dentinho - a 21 year old striker for Corinthians. Fat Ronaldo's tweet read as follows:

"@mlkdentinho amarrando cadarco do tenis na musculacao ! Acho q ele nao viu quem tava atras..."

"Dentinho tying his shoe laces in the gym. Guess he didn't see who was standing behind him...!"

Turns out the whole thing was a joke staged by fatty himself. I think it's safe to say Ronaldo has lost any urge to utilize the weight room and get back in shape. As long as he stays away from those trannies, I've got no problem with his priorities. Makes for good material, no?

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