Friday, August 13, 2010

Sports Anchorettes

I'll be completely honest with you - I'm sick of Hannah Storm and her mini skirts on ESPN. She's 48 and anything but a sex symbol. With all do respect, I prefer a little bit more youth and pep in my news anchors...ESPECIALLY if 90% of their job is to report on football and recount highlights to the audience.

Luckily, our friends in Europe have this down to a science - and I'm not talking about simply talent. They've found a way to combine stunning beauty with journalistic integrity. Brilliant don't ya think?

So without further ado, I'll stop blabbering and let you have a look for yourself at England and France's crown jewels for the upcoming season.

Georgie Thompson of Sky Sports in England (for everyone in the States without satellite, you can catch her on Fox Soccer Channel which airs Sky Sport News daily)

Georgie's partner in crime, Millie Clode:

Don't sell the French short either. Melissa Theuriau of M6 is nothing short of perfection:

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